VISL CG-3 Integrated Development Environment

This is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for CG-3.

People who know something about all this:

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This is almost identical to installing CG-3, only replace cg3 with cg3ide.
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X / macOS: To get around macOS security, download the file from Terminal with:
    curl > ~/Desktop/

    Then open and install it from Finder as with any other application.

  • Ubuntu, Debian, and derivatives:
    wget -O - | sudo bash
    sudo apt-get install cg3ide
  • Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, OpenSUSE, and derivatives:
    wget -O - | sudo bash
    sudo yum install cg3ide
    (replace yum with dnf for Fedora, and zypper for OpenSUSE)