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Cleaning up

In the central algorithm described above I have typically either used select- or remove-rules, not both, for a given case (with patiens as an exception). The cleaning up algorithm works by the principle: if you have tried to prove something, and cannot, it must be false, and if you have tried to falsify something, but cannot, it must be true.

The rules of the previous subalgorithm pertaining to theme have been mirrored in this subalgorithm. They probably only belong one place, but I haven't yet decided which. On the other hand it may be necessary to keep them both places.17



REMOVE (%EXP); #hvis ikke du har selected exp. ovenfor, er den ikke


SELECT (%TH) (0 @SUBJ>) (*1 V-THEME  LINK 0 @MV); 
       #i normale tilfælde: subj for kopula = TH, bemærk betingelsen 
       #  i denne regel er 'dobbelt' i 1 REM-TH; skal slettes her
SELECT (%TH) (0 @<SUBJ) (*-1 V-THEME LINK 0 @MV); 
       #d.o.; hele denne regel slettes



SELECT (%PAT) (0 @<ACC); # hvis ikke andet gælder er obj. PAT


Søren Harder 2002-02-13