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The Case tag-set used

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The tagset used in this project will be described. It is a somewhat larger set than Fillmores. Below the relevant comments from the code. This is not the final tag-set. The headers 'nominale' etc. are not to be seen as exclusive, but typical, instantiation, the %AG could be realised as an @ADVL and the @SUBJ may realise a %TEMP-PL.

# udgangspunkt: form - funktion - rolle, dvs. en rolle til hver 
#    konstituent på sætningsplan, bortset fra konjunktioner

### nominale @SUBJ, @ACC, @DAT, @PIV

# %AG = agent (human or institution or the like, +physical act)
# %PAT = patient (object acted on, +physical entity)
# %BEN = beneficiary (+phys. ent.)
# %TH = theme 
#       I've used this for 2 diff. types: 1) 'internal' objects, 
#       i.e. objects, that are not entities acted on (%PAT) or 
#       created (%RES), i.e. a) non-physical entities (often
#       clauses) b)e.g. complements of Adj, 2) subjects of copula 
#       and other verbs that do not denote physical or mental acts: 
#       e.g. stå, komme. (better examples needed) 
# %EXP = experiencer, subj of cogn./perc. verbs
# %RES = factitive, resultative (She knitted a sweater) = %FACT

### attributive/prædikative @SC, @OC, (@N<PRED, @APP), @PRED

# %QUAL-RES = resulting quality, identity (han blev præsident, 
#             de valgte ham til præsident)
# %QUAL-STATE = quality, identity (han er syg, han vendte hjem 
#             som storryger)

### adverbielle @ADVL, @SA, @OA

# %TOP-PL = place/topological, route?!
# %TOP-GL = goal
# %TOP-SRC = source
# %TOP-DIST = distance (han løb 3 kilometer)

# %TEMP-PL = point or "area"/periode in time 
#            (på et tidspunkt, før/efter, under krigen)
# %TEMP-GL = time/temporal goal
# %TEMP-SRC = time/temporal source
# %TEMP-DUR = durative (han arbejdede [i] 3 uger, på 3 timer)

# %INSTR = instrumental (vha., med)
# %MOD = mode (måde)
# %PURP = finality (hensigt, for at)
# %COND = conditional (betingelse, hvis, medmindre, undtagen)
# %CONC = concessive (indrømmende, selvom, på trods af)
# %CAUSE = cause (årsag, fordi)
# %EFF = effective (så, derfor)

# %COM = comitative, "combinatorial" (sammen med, med)

# %UNDEF = undefined (i stedet for)

### verbale @V

# %EV = event, det logiske (inderste) prædikat (som regel MV), 
#       copulas are unmarked and all kinds of modality ignored

Søren Harder 2002-02-13