Pre-analyzed French sentences

Browse the sentences (click on overview or on one of the icons below):
FS1- FRA1- FRA** **

Enter search string:

Visualization: Notational convention: GYM-settings

In the box above, you can type in either a whole sentence from the pre-analyzed set, or a unique string from the sentence, or the relevant identifying code found at the left of each sentence. Alternatively, you can click on the icon to the left of each sentence, if there is one.


Authored by: Folke


FS1) Le Père Noël arrive
FS2) Jacques chante
FS3) Johnny Halliday joue du rock
FS4) Le temps court
FS5) Tout va bien
FS6) Ils gagnent le match
FS7) Jean-Pierrre est là
FS8) La petite fille court
FS9) Le père démarre le moteur
FS10) La maison est rouge